Stephen Onyapidi

Stephen Onyapidi

 My full name is STEPHEN ONYAPIDI. I am 25 years old. I was born on January 2nd 1997 in a village called Ketebat, Kekalet sub location, Kakapel location, TESO NORTH SUB COUNTY, BUSIA COUNTY, KENYA. I am a Kenyan by birth and I speak English and Swahili languages fluently. I am second born of a family of seven (7) siblings (2 brothers and 4 sisters). I have both parents; my dad is called Isaac Eshalai and my mum is called Ritah Alung’ät. 

I live with Pastor Peter Musili since I completed my secondary education in 2016. Mostly I stay in church IVC BAHARINI

My education all through has been struggle its by God’s grace that I completed my secondary education since my parents are unable to make the necessary provisions for my studies. I joined MOI UNIVERSITY for my degree course in BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING in 2018, but I was forced to defer my studies due to lack of support in school fees, accommodation and general upkeep. I resorted to manual jobs for sustainability and I lost hope in my education and I saw future blurred. I was helping in pastor Peter Musili at his home in KITUI, MALILI when I received a call that somebody is interested in supporting my education fees and accommodation dilemma. I came back to Eldoret and I was able to be readmitted back to continue with my studies in MOI UNIVERSITY. I stay within the environs of campus and whenever I have free time, I live within the church premises 

My aspiration in life is to become a great and best civil and structural engineer in this generation and to become advocate for change in my society and helping others to succeed in their areas of specialization in life. To be the source of empowerment and motivation to many young generation who has lost hope about their future. 

Access to education has really empowered me personally. It has helped me to believe in myself and it has created special channel for me to achieve my goals, dreams and career. It has really given light and hope in my family taking note that am the only person who excelled in secondary education. Am ready for task ahead of me because the society is happy and it has been enlightened by the importance of education despite challenges.