Kevin Simiyu

“My name is Kevin Simiyu, born and raised in a ghetto In Eldoret known as Langas. My upbringing in a slum presented numerous challenges, especially in financial struggles. Raised by my loving grandmother, I became accustomed to the harsh realities of living in a slum, where basic necessities were often out of reach. I however recognize the efforts of my grandmother in raising me as old as she was and with the little that she had.

From a young age, I had a deep passion for driving and dream of becoming a driver in the future. However, the circumstances I faced seemed to dim my aspirations and I did not want to burden my grandmother further. 

Destiny intervened when I crossed paths with Pastor Dan, who embraced me under his sponsorship. This turning point in my life allowed me to enter a driving school, taking me one step closer to my dream.

In the mixture of my challenges and hope, I believe that I will one day go abroad and become a driver there.  I also believe that this new-found opportunity will propel me towards my dream of being someone in the future. I cannot show enough gratitude for the help I have been granted and I intend to make the best out of it.”-Kevin Simiyu.